Friday, April 30, 2021

svarog-0.0.4 has been released!

A new version of svarog (0.0.4) has been released! It is available at:

It contains two new commands:

cout << estimate(<depth>,<granularity>) << eol;


cout << precalculate(<dept>,<granularity>) << eol;

Both <depth> and <granularity> are integer parameters, <depth> is the depth of the game tree and should be a small integer, <granularity> is the amount of values in one dimension when discretizing the hypercube of beliefs, should also be a small integer, preferably 2.

The file examples/example6_precalculated.svarog has been generated automatically by svarog for the depth 1 and granularity 2. It is not very intelligent (since depth 1 is not much) but svarog is able to use the precalculated knowledge already.

The command "estimate" does not produce a valid Svarog specification - it skips the planning (determining the actions). It can be used to estimate the amount of "on belief" clauses by the "precalculate" command.

WARNING: When using svarog-daemons - they do not benefit of the precalculated knowledge yet.

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