Tuesday, March 7, 2017


In the examples I assume we have a good world model (for example we know the sequence FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE on MOVE) but we do not know exactly where we begin. If we initially get FALSE then MOVE could lead to another FALSE or TRUE. This implies that the initial belief (probability distribution) must reflect this uncertainty. But even though we do not know the hidden variables initially - we may know more than nothing about them. For instance if we talk with a patient and we are a doctor we may introduce a hidden variable "patient_has_cancer". But we should not assume 50% for TRUE and 50% for FALSE, as zubr usually does. Instead we should apply the natural probability distribution of cancer in the population, i.e. use a so-called apriori belief.

This requires us to tell zubr we will define the method setAPrioriBelief:

%option setaprioribelief own

Then in the definition section we provide the implementation:

protected void setAPrioriBelief(Belief target) {
    for (StateIterator i = createNewStateIterator(target.getVisibleState()); !i.getFinished(); i.increment()) {
        State si = i.createState();
        if (si.getVariableValue("gamma") == Value.FALSE)
            target.setProbability(si, 0.3f);
            target.setProbability(si, 0.7f);       

As you can see we iterate over all possible states using a StateIterator, create states and add them to the target (Belief). We will talk later about the iterators so take them for granted now. Once we have populated belief with states we may query the states for hidden variable values and set the probability. Note that we choose to set 30% for gamma=>FALSE and 70% for gamma=>TRUE.

Now process the example with zubr and compile the java outcome:

zubr example21_set_a_priori_belief.zubr > MyOptimizer.java

You can also execute the program directly from my server:


Have you noticed a small change after the first signal? The belief is not 50%/50% any more, but 30%/70%! This can be important when we have more real-world examples.

Download zubr from https://sourceforge.net/projects/perkun/.

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